
Social Distancing Driving us Crazy

Isn’t it funny just how much we crave human contact now, but when we had the freedom to do as we please we ignored it? The advent of social media saw a significant reduction in real life social interactions, resulting in less and less human contact and we were fine (or so we thought), until… Before Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, MySpace, Hi5 etc, human beings had more of an incentive to… Read More »Social Distancing Driving us Crazy

The Flawed Concept of Patriarchy

Ever see what happens when a powerless person is thrust into authority? Their ineptitude becomes more exposed. Since time immemorial, men have gone unchecked. We’ve largely been responsible for all the unnatural destruction that befalls the earth, and yet, somehow, we think we are ‘God’s gift’ to earth and women.

Dear Dad

Circa 1990, I was about 5 going on 6 years old, I don’t remember a lot of things from that age but I remember this incident vividly. My mom and my father were in a heated argument. He was packing, and in between trips outside, they argued. I don’t remember the specific words, I might have been too young to really understand them anyway, but it was clear what was… Read More »Dear Dad

Through the Fire

April 24th marks 6 years since my life changed forever. As we go further into the month of April and with this new corona virus singlehandedly decimating the world in every aspect, I’m reminded that we only need to survive ‘this’ one challenge. It remains the single most difficult thing I’ve had to overcome so far in my 35 years of existence. I received a call one afternoon, my mom… Read More »Through the Fire

Living and Learning… — The Happiness Paradigm

Brought to you by The Happiness Paradigm. In my country, when a person is beset by a run of bad luck, elders will comment that maybe they killed someone’s white fowl (chicken). I’m not entirely sure what it means, other than that you’ve done something to provoke someone into wishing or orchestrating a series of unfortunate events in your life. For me, […] Living and Learning… — The Happiness Paradigm 0

Do Men Need Women More than Women Need Men?

Part 1Growing up in Western Civilization, no less, a developing country like Jamaica; we were socialized to believe that women needed men more than men needed women (apart from sexual gratification and being a mere vessel to continue his legacy). Undoubtedly, we live in a society that is patriarchal in its foundation and ideologies, as a result, women have always been looked on as an inferior species to men. Now… Read More »Do Men Need Women More than Women Need Men?